24 september 2007

Lesgeven in World of Warcraft?! / Teaching in World of Warcraft?!

For English translation, please see the blue text below

Nou, vooruit dan: bloggen vanaf het werk. Als de baas me nu maar niet ziet hè.. ha, ha! (Voor m'n baas: ik heb pauze!) ;-)

Maar ik wilde jullie dit berichtje van Henry Lowood zeker niet laten missen. Hij heeft lesgegeven in World of Warcraft en doet op zijn blog daarvan verslag.

Gewoon een quote om je lekker te maken:

Most of the students are using trial 10-day accounts and have very low-level characters, so another issue was keeping everyone alive. My son's level 37 Warrior and my own 69 Paladin took care of that issue, but we still managed to keep losing students, either because they got lost or were taken out by critters or by falling off elevators. Luckily, Paladins can resurrect the dead, which I belive is a first in terms of faculty-student relations.

Geweldig!! Over de projecten van Henry schreef ik trouwens al eerder. Maar.. terug aan het werk nu! :-)


Oh well, come on then: blogging from work. If only the boss won't see me right now eh.. ha, ha! (For my boss: I'm on a break!) ;-)

But I really didn't want you to miss this message by Henry Lowood. He has been teaching a class in World of Warcraft and reports about that on his blog.

Just a quote to make you long for more:

Most of the students are using trial 10-day accounts and have very low-level characters, so another issue was keeping everyone alive. My son's level 37 Warrior and my own 69 Paladin took care of that issue, but we still managed to keep losing students, either because they got lost or were taken out by critters or by falling off elevators. Luckily, Paladins can resurrect the dead, which I belive is a first in terms of faculty-student relations.

Great!! I already wrote something about Henry's projects some time ago though. But now.. back to work! :-)

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