For English translation, please see the blue text below
Op zondag 13 januari, vanaf 21.00 uur onze tijd, staat er een bijeenkomst van het kleine clubje archivarissen in Second Life gepland. Het is weer een tijdje geleden, omdat de meesten druk bezig waren met werken in hun eerste leven, maar een nieuw jaar.. dus nieuwe moed! :-)
Hieronder de tekst van de uitnodiging die is uitgegaan.. en die is uiteraard in het Engels. Wil je er een keertje bij zijn? Meld je dan gewoon aan voor een tweede leven, en kom die avond naar Second Life. Alleen het live contact met archivarissen aan de andere kant van de wereld is al de moeite waard!
What? Meeting 'Archivists of Second Life'
When? Sunday January 13th 2008 at 12pm SLT
Where? Archives Land (Cybrary City 2)
SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Cybrary%20City%20II/90/72/22
For this first meeting of the new year, I would like to have an informal setting for (re)getting to know each other, since some of us will be new to others.
Also we can explain what we're all up to at the moment, as far as archival things in SL are concerned, and make plans for the coming year.
Next, our member Ashbrook Llewellyn, records manager at the US National Archives, will give us a short explanation about, and tour around, her demonstration exhibit, titled 'There's a Photographer in Your Town: The Photographs of George Ashbrook'. I've seen it, and it's great!
George Ashbrook, Ashbrook Llewellyn's great-great-grandfather, was a professional photographer in northwest Missouri in the late 1800s and early 1900s. This SL exhibit displays photographs from Ashbrook Llewellyn's family collection.
I hope to see you all at our next meeting! :-)
- Archives Land
- Asbrook's Folly
Wat uitleg: SLT staat voor Second Life Time. Da's GMT-8, dus voor Nederlandse tijd moet je er even 9 uur bij optellen. Voor de Amerikanen en Canadezen valt deze vergadering dus ergens rond de middag.
Ben je in-world en kom je er met de SLurls (links naar plekjes in SL) niet uit? Stuur mij dan gewoon een IM (instant message), dan krijg je een TP (teleport) en de rest wijst zich vanzelf! ;-)
En als je er dan toch bent, dan kun je gelijk al die toffe plekken bezoeken, waarover ik het altijd op m'n blog heb hè.
Oh, en die Christi.. Dat ben ikke dus in SL. (Je moet dat even zien in combinatie met de achternaam Janus.)
On Sunday January 13, from 8pm GMT on, a gathering of the small number of archivists is arranged in Second Life. It has been a while, since most of us have been busy working in their first lives, but there's a new year.. so new courage! :-)
Below is the text for the invitation that has been sent out. Do you wish to come? Please just sign up for a second life, and join us in Second Life that evening. The live contact alone with archivists from the other end of the world is already well worth it!
What? Meeting 'Archivists of Second Life'
When? Sunday January 13th 2008 at 12pm SLT
Where? Archives Land (Cybrary City 2)
SLurl: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Cybrary%20City%20II/90/72/22
For this first meeting of the new year, I would like to have an informal setting for (re)getting to know each other, since some of us will be new to others.
Also we can explain what we're all up to at the moment, as far as archival things in SL are concerned, and make plans for the coming year.
Next, our member Ashbrook Llewellyn, records manager at the US National Archives, will give us a short explanation about, and tour around, her demonstration exhibit, titled 'There's a Photographer in Your Town: The Photographs of George Ashbrook'. I've seen it, and it's great!
George Ashbrook, Ashbrook Llewellyn's great-great-grandfather, was a professional photographer in northwest Missouri in the late 1800s and early 1900s. This SL exhibit displays photographs from Ashbrook Llewellyn's family collection.
I hope to see you all at our next meeting! :-)
- Archives Land
- Asbrook's Folly
Some explanation: SLT is short for Second Life Time. That's GMT-8, so for Dutch time you'll have to add 9 hours. For the Americans and Canadians this meeting will then be held somewhere during noon.
Are you already in-world, but don't things work out for you with the SLurls (links to places in SL)? Just send me an IM (instant message), then you'll get a TP (teleport) and the rest will be obvious! ;-)
And while you're there anyhow, you might as well have a look at all the cool places that I'm always talking about on my blog eh.
Oh, and this Christi.. That's me in SL. (You'll have to use this together with the last name Janus.)
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